
“人本-存在主義技術性折衷法”中級班 專業證書課程2024
2024-11-12 - 2025-03-12
通過初級班的瞭解,以及考核及格後,學員對以上流派都有初步認識並選擇其為深造的方向。中級班務求讓學員學會如何用以上框架進行完整的心理治療療程,消化每 一步將會遇上的議題和應變措施。
「靜觀認知治療-生活」八星期課程 (第三十一期)
2024-10-24 - 2024-12-19
「靜觀認知治療」(Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) 源自英國牛津靜觀中心總監 Dr. Mark Williams 及其他學者,為預防抑鬱症患者復發的實證心理治療。在2020 年,英國牛津靜觀中心發展了新的課程: 「靜觀認知治療-生活」(MBCT for Life) ,課程建基於 MBCT 的觀念和架構之上,結合靜觀和認知科學,旨在改善大部分人的心理健康,減低壓力,增強復原力和人類潛能的發展。
Understanding and Working with Different Emotions in Social Work Clinical Practice
2024-12-10 - 2024-12-17
Working with different emotions has been a core difficulty in social work clinical
practice. This workshop aims at exploring and understanding the nature and functions
of each of the major categorical emotions, namely anger, sadness, fear, shame and
compassion. Anger can be destructive when it is under-regulated while it can be very
empowering when it is expressed assertively. Sadness can be overwhelming when we
experience losses while it can be soothing if it can be expressed in a goal-directed
path. Fear can be survival-threatening to us which makes us run away from, yet it can
strengthen our sense of existence if we dare to stay and live with it. Shame is a soul-
eating emotion which makes us feel shrinking, but it is the most honest emotion
telling us who we are. Apart from exploring different emotions individually, it is even
more important to understand how they are intimately intertwined with each other and
how they interplay with each other to appear as a complexity of mixed emotions.
With the unconditional acceptance and embracing compassion, we can truly be
ourselves with all our apparently unpleasant emotions which are in fact friendly
guidance of our core needs.

With an in-depth understanding of different emotions, we shall be able to choose
appropriate intervention strategies and skills to help those suffering from
overwhelming or detached emotions. This workshop introduces how to use a process-
experiential emotion-focused therapeutic approach to facilitate corrective emotional changes.